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Crunchy Bulgur wheat, because of its sour taste, is the ideal Cretan soup for the cold winter days. The partially cooked then dried coarse wheat also includes sheep's or goat's milk.Crunchy Bulgur wheat, because of its sour taste, is the ideal Cretan soup for the cold winter days. The partially cooked then dried coarse wheat also includes sheep's or goat's milk.

In the past years, when the household produced most of the food it consumed, there was no home which didn’t rear goats or sheep. On hot summer days, in July and August, when the milk is thicker, that is to say its fat content is higher, the best bulgur wheat is made and spread out in the hot summer sun to dry. The dried wheat is stored in a cool place for preservation and is used all year long. The old housewives kept the wheat in white net bags to ventilate and keep them in place until they made their new production the following year.In the past years, when the household produced most of the food it consumed, there was no home which didn’t rear goats or sheep. On hot summer days, in July and August, when the milk is thicker, that is to say its fat content is higher, the best bulgur wheat is made and spread out in the hot summer sun to dry. The dried wheat is stored in a cool place for preservation and is used all year long. The old housewives kept the wheat in white net bags to ventilate and keep them in place until they made their new production the following year.On frosty winter days, the housewife unfolded the bag with the wheat, took two handfuls of it and that was enough to make a warm soup for the family with oil, tomato and chopped potato. Serve it on deep clay plates, putting barley rusk bread in the middle of the table. The whole family sat at the table, eating barley bread with their hands, grabbing each piece tightly in their hands, bringing it over their hot plate of bulgur wheat soup, pressing their fingers into the small pieces which allowed them to sink freely into the hot soup. Eaten with a deep spoon, you experience the delicacy of roasted wheat, virgin olive oil, sweet tomato with a piece of barley dipped in the sauce. Oh my God! It was delicious!At other times, wheat was eaten with meat. At Christmas, pigs, which are rich in collagen, were simmering and part of the juice was used to make soup. This marriage gave the soup another flavor and enriched the meal. As a raw material, wheat has the advantage of being able to be blended with many ingredients to exploit and achieve the best possible combinations.

4 pork legs
1 dried onion
1 large potato
200g of bulgur wheat
50ml olive oil
1.5l of water
Salt & pepper

Put the whole onions and pig’s trotters in a saucepan, salt and fill with enough water. Allow them to boil and fry until no more foam comes out. Boil for about 1.5 hours until well cooked.
Remove the legs and put them on a platter where you have layered slices of lemons and squeeze on a lemon (lemons will flavor the meat). The legs are a very tasty appetizer.
Strain the juice into another saucepan, cut the potato into cubes and pour in, add olive oil and salt if needed.
Boil over medium heat, whisk together with the flour and stir.
Allow to roast for about 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and season with fresh pepper.

Good luck!!!